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Angel Scopes


A high percentage of people around the world do believe that they have a guardian angel, most people think of angels around Christmas time, when in fact from the day you are born everyone is blessed with two personal guardian angels. One of your angels is with you every minute of every day, from birth to death. Your other personal guardian angel drifts in and out of your life when you need them most. Angels are in many forms, some are with us today in human form, guiding and helping others, you might even know somebody who is so special that you believe that they are an angel or if you have lost somebody you love and you feel their presence around you, they have chosen to watch over you and have become another of your angels.

help is therefore you when you believe in your angels and make contact with them, as they have been waiting patently to guide you. We all feel negative at times and loose direction and start to question what is my life's purpose, these negative energies attract more negativity around you, it could be relationship, career, money,health or even family problems or even a case of not knowing what is causing these ill feelings within you. Angels are 100% positive energy and once you tune in your mind to them and become a team, positive mental attitude will take over and this is when you will start to succeed in all areas of your life, this will then lead on to making your dreams come true, all with the help and love from your guardian angels.

According to a survey in Time Magazine 69% of American People believe in angels and a staggering 46% feel that they have a guardian angel.

How people see Angels:
Traditional style angel in white
Human form
Physical sensation
internal sensation
other sensation

A life Plan for you with help of your Angels

When you have connected with your angels this is a great time with the extra guidance and help you will be receiving to re-design your life in a new manner use this fruitful energy from your angels and evolve to a new level and a new way of thinking.

Start and take purposeful action and take control of your life by making your very own life plan, you have one shot a your life it is not a dress rehearsal, your angels are a 100% positive force with you and wanting you to be happy, enjoy life to the full, reach your goals and fulfill your dreams. Nobody else is going to make this happen, this is all down to you and your angels, they believe in you so believe in them and together you will become a formidable force

The formula your angels want you to know for taking purposeful action goes like this

BE    DO    HAVE


The difference between winners and losers is that winners do what losers do not want to do. So be a winner and connect with you angels you will feel the new angelic energy instantly.

Our angels are always at our side no matter what, whether we perceive them or not.

They accompany us even when they do not intervene, they allow us free will and accept our decisions and the path we choose.

They recognise that the human being must experience the dark side to once again see the light

They know that we must undergo unpleasant experiences so that we start searching for the light and for them.

It is a beautiful phase for celebrating the creation of just whatever it is you wish to have in your life, a new idea and fresh start is how you wish your own life to be

Reconnect those hidden angelic powers and forces, enrich your heart and feel your heart sing with your angels. It is a perfect time to decide the importance of your movements, ideas, words and actions as they create your new world through the power of your new thinking.